Truth overcomes every time...every time!
I don't know how many times I have lead worship singing, "you make all things work together for my good" and just have moved past that Fatherly truth for me, because I am not able to wrap my heart around it. But his truth for us is that the sad stories in our lives make a way for the redemptive.
Movies just wouldn't be fun to watch if there was no conflict, right? Through the conflict, comes the breakthrough. Through recognition of a real problem, comes the solution, a way to make things right. And I live for the moment the chaotic becomes calm. When relationships are able to go to the next level is usually after some tension buildup and the working through that tension. And a deeper bond is formed.
So much "sad" has happened in my life recently. So many things that just do not seem like they should happen in a short time frame. Accidental deaths, purposeful deaths, timely deaths, prolonged sickness, financial crisis, crisis of life direction and calling...and on and on. It would be enough for some to take a month break from doing anything just to process through it. I think that is my tendency. Just sit down and think until I can move again. There is a time and place for that!
What is this life that I have, if I can't understand why I am here?
Why does my heart keep beating?
What is the deeper heartbeat in my life?
There is Someone who keeps me, and who wants me here. It has taken my eyesight off of my circumstances and onto the truth that this actually is not my home! With a family to think of, it is so easy to just maintain the family dynamic of growth, love, and discipline. But when that gets disrupted, I remember that my life is not my own. That my sons have a mighty, loving Heavenly Father! Our Savior has come from a Kingdom that is not of this world.
If I don't live for that Kingdom with my family, I quickly become disillusioned. His kingdom is so different from the one I see before me. It is so easy to just maintain the status quo, until something comes to alter the serene and questions rise up.
My heart and life are meant to live for redemption! It beats in my heart stronger than the pain of separation from loved ones.
Our God is a redemptive Father! If you feel disillusioned, take this truth to heart. There is a bigger story happening right now. Redemption is coming like a messenger on the horizon, coming just in time to find one who has lost hope and needs to be lifted from disparity.
God lift us from despair, and put within us a heartbeat for redemption. That is your story Lord Jesus, let it be ours!
Thank you for sharing this! :)